Factory & Warehouse for Rent in Saraburi
WHA is the market leader in logistics facilities providing factory for rent and warehouse for rent in Saraburi Province, Thailand. Our factory and warehouse are strategically located in WHA Saraburi Industrial Land, located in close proximity to Asia Highway No. 2.

WHA Mega Logistics Center Saraburi
Location : WHA Saraburi Industrial Land
Province : Saraburi, Thailand
Warehouse Unit : 8,500.00 sq.m. up
Total Project Space : 17,000.00 sq.m.
Type : Warehouse Farm (Warehouse for Rent)

WHA DSGT Distribution Center Saraburi
Location : WHA Saraburi Industrial Land
Province : Saraburi, Thailand
Space : 55,000.00 sq.m.
Type : Built to Suit (Manufacturing and Distribution Center for Rent)

WHA Hitachi HSIL
Location : WHA Saraburi Industrial Land
Province : Saraburi, Thailand
Space : 15,000.00 sq.m.
Type : Built to Suit (Distribution Center for Rent)