Customer News
TD Tawandang Co., Ltd.
TD Tawandang Co., Ltd.
A Vibrant New Tenant for WHA Mega Logistics Centers
Established 2 years ago under a profit-sharing concept with existing small scale store owners and partners, TD Tawandang Co., Ltd. was established by Mr. Sathien Setthasit, founder of the Carabao Group, famous for its Carabao Dang energy drinks. The family’s venture into the retail business started 5 years ago with CJ Express Group that currently operates 530 CJ supermarkets. With a new model of convenient stores in mind, TD Tawandang was created in 2019 and quickly grew from 20 branches to a current network of 3,000 TookDee convenience stores in 60 provinces nationwide. The company expects to reach 10,000 and 50,000 branches in 2022 and 2023, respectively.
To run such a large network of stores requires strong and efficient logistics capabilities for storage and distribution of retail goods nationwide. With a workforce of 3,000 employees, the company now operates 5 warehouses in Khon Kaen, Nakhon Sawan, Ubon Ratchathani, Wangnoi and Chonburi. The last two are smart Built-to-Suit warehouses located at WHA Mega Logistics Center Wangnoi 62, in Ayuthaya province (9,645 sq m) and at WHA Mega Logistics Center Panthong (25,011 sq m), in Chonburi province.
“As we expand all over the country, we need strategic locations for our warehouses and efficient logistics to ensure quick distribution and delivery of goods to our stores,” explained Ms Tientham Setthasit, Executive Director of TD Tawandang. “From WHA Mega Logistics Center Wangnoi 62, we can distribute our products to the Northern and Northeastern regions; from WHA Mega Logistics Center Panthong in Chonburi, we serve the Central and Eastern provinces. The ‘Smart Warehouse for Rent’ concept of WHA Logistics is perfect for our expansion goals,” she added.
Like all WHA Logistics’ warehouses and facilities, TD Tawandang’s distribution centers are designed and built to use smart logistics systems based on automation and new technologies to increase productivity and efficiency. “Our TookDee partners can significantly increase their revenue and improve their livelihood as well as the living standards of local communities. We strive to uplift the local community network and revitalize the country’s grassroots economy,” continued Ms Tientham.
Leveraging on its high-tech business solutions, the company foresees a bright outlook and aims to become the largest retail network in Southeast Asia, serving over 100,000 mom-and-pop stores across ASEAN countries.
Contact Information:
Ms Tientham Setthasit
Executive Director
TD Tawandang Co., Ltd.
Remarks: The article was written for WHA Group Newsletter March 2022 Vol. 53